I have a confession to make. I was dragged away from the electronic world into the real world this weekend, and am only now really catching up on the Canadiens home and home. Fran nobly defended the Flyers Goal Scored By Fortress of Sexitude in my absence and for that I will pay him physically. But if you’re a Flyers fan who happened to head out of town for the long weekend allow yourself to catch up with me on the Flyers 2 game sweep of the Friday/Saturday home and home. First stop, NHL.com: Then for a clearer look at the end of the game over to Youtube:
Thoughts: From watching only highlights I’m fairly pissed that every time I go away the Flyers bust out their black jerseys and I miss it. Can’t really weigh in much on the game flow but a win is a win and it’s nice to see Scott Hartnell think he has a goal and then get it taken away – because someone’s gotta let him know (Steve Downie is still ahead of him in goals and points). Speaking of, on that first goal I would argue that Hartnell pushed Price into the net with his stick, which is against the rules. If I wasn’t a Flyers fan.
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