Flyers Going For National Honor Society


I was going to use some cute headline like ‘Flyers sign Holmstrom’ to try and trick you, if only for a split second, into believing that somehow the Flyers had cricvrumented the NHL’s protocols and rules to pick up a much needed offensive big man for in front of the net. But then I decided that was the behavior of a child molester. Either way, on Wednesday the Flyers signed forward and member Ben Holmstrom to a amateur tryout contract. Last night, in only his second game, Holmstrom scored his first professional goal for the Adirondack Phantoms.  Holmstrom’s bio and stats read like Rob Bellamy’s – utterly forgettable. If you don’t know who Rob Bellamy is don’t sweat it, he’s only been on the Phantoms for 2 years and will probably die there so you’ll have plenty of time to see him.

Read this article: Flyers Goal Scored By…

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