JJ, Jonesy, and Coatesy – A Word, If You Will


Look, I like anyone in a Flyers uniform too. And Daniel Carcillo is playing a lot better than even in my wettest dreams I hoped he ever would. But you guys have to back off, because you’re heralding of his play is driving casually across state lines from Support into North Blow Job. Carcillo made a smart decision to not fight Colton Orr. He earned himself some praise for actually taking the face shots Orr was dishing out and not pulling a Claude Lemieux like Derrick Dorsett did against Brad Staubitz on Saturday night. But like most things he does as a performer, which is really what agitators are at heart, he was even embellishing those face shots (ironically he looked a bit Upshallian, didn’t he!).

See the original post: Flyers Goal Scored By…

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