The Flyers and Bruins in a Nutshell


What a night to be released from the recovery unit of the International Siamese Research Institute. Man have I missed a lot. It’s easier for me if I recap it right here in front of you, so please bear with me: Game 1 – The Flyers look tired at the end, Carcillo misses his opportunity to have a statue of himself made in OT, and the Flyers fall 1-0. Game 2 – The Flyers manage to hang on just long enough to lose with only a few minutes left. Down 2-0. Game 3 – The Bruins come into Philly and and we let them know exactly whose house they’re in just 2:30 into the game, and they then let us know what they like to do in our house for the next 57 minutes – which is take dumps in our living room.

More: Flyers Goal Scored By…

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