Hey CSN Philly step up the Flyers coverage

Sitting here eating my PBJ for lunch I turned on the TV looking for some pregame Flyers coverage since the game starts in about an hour and was very disappointed.
On Comcast Sportsnet Philly at noon was paid programming. One channel up on Fox Sportsnet Pittsburgh they were showing Inside Pittsburgh Hockey. At 12:30 FSNP had a decent pregame show for the Penguins, CSN had Pro Football Weekly. So what is the deal CSN, can’t show any pregame love for the Flyers? Can’t get a few talking heads to sit in studio for at least 30 minutes to discuss Flyers hockey before the game? Some doctor pushing meds and football that isn’t played today more important to the Comcast viewership then the hockey game coming on within the hour?

Well at least the game is about ready to start.

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