Negotiation 101: I Wanna Play My Game Tonight

In ‘The Art of Art Negotiation’, co-written by famous art curator and Jew, Sal Iceberg, and myself, one of the main points we try to drive home is that the common theme among negotiations, regardless of whether we’re taking about Monet or money, is that the longer something you’re trying to sell sits around going unsold the more its value drops. And Flyers Paul Manager is doing a great job of giving you a real, live case study in this lesson:   And it’s even worse in this case. Because not only does everyone know that we want to sell our product, they know that we’ve bought so much other product that we can’t fit one of our nicest pieces in the store. And there’s a storm coming. We’ve put ourselves, as Sal always says, in a “Please mister, help me out?’ situation with a very valuable piece that should have landed us in a ‘give us one night with your daughter and a week with your son’ position. Which is why I still believe that it’s one-time 40 goal scorer (which I think officially becomes part of your name when you do it) and impending RFA Jeff Carter who needs to be the piece that goes. He’s great, and he can score.

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